Sunday morning is when our church family comes together for worship.
We celebrate and praise our Lord for who He is and all that He is done.
9:00 AM - Sunday School ( groups for all ages )
10:00 AM - Worship Service ( kids church dismissed mid-service )
What to expect
Dress: Our service is casual and comfortable.
Singing: Our time of singing is led by a worship team (singers, piano, recorded music)
Kid's Church: We have a special program for kids from Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade that meets during the sermon time of our worship service. Kids are dismissed from the church service. On 5th Sundays the kids remain in the worship service alongside their parents.
Communion: We serve communion every Sunday here at RCC. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are welcome to join us as we partake. The bread and the juice are available on tables at the front of the auditorium. During the time of communion those participating will come forward, pick up the elements, return to their seat and eat and drink when they choose.
Giving: The ministry of RCC is funded financially by the offering collected on Sunday. We do not expect our guests to give but are welcome if they would like to. Members are encouraged to give joyfully (2 Cor 9:6) with a minimal goal of ten percent (a traditional tithe, Lev 27:30, Matt 23:23). Donations can be deposited in the dropbox located in the foyer. Online giving options are also available on our website.
Sermon: Our minister delivers a sermon (message) during the worship service. The message is a teaching that is centered upon Scripture. It is meant to be educational, encouraging, convicting, or inspiring. Ultimately, it is intended to help the listener grow in their faith.